Hey guys,
So I found a great article (link below) about how researchers at UCLA have genetically engineered blood stem cells to fight specifically against melanoma. These melanoma-specific T-cells have been shown to reduce tumor size and completely eliminate the tumors. The human blood stem cells were genetically engineered from a T-cell receptor taken from a human cancer patient. These stem cells were put into a human thymus that was implanted into mice to test the immunological response to melanoma in a living organism. Over 6 weeks, the cells matured into melanoma-specific T-cells. The researchers introduced two types of melanomas into the mice, one that released the antigen that attracts the T-cells, and one that did not. The mice with the antigen releasing tumors were shown to have their tumors completely eliminated, and all mice shown reduced tumor size. Researchers are hopeful to begin trial tests soon. If this works, the war on cancer may come to a bloody victory. The article also discusses: the mechanism of resistance to a current melanoma drug (Vemurafenib); a protein (P-Rex1) that plays an important role in the spread of melanoma; and how decreased levels of antioxidants in men can increase the risk of squamous cell carcinoma. The entire article is interesting, but the very first part dealing with the genetically engineered T-cells is by far one of the biggest breakthroughs I feel.
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