Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tall and Tan and Young and Lovely...

Hey guys,
       My original goal was to find some good articles on how proteasomes affect aging, but I was unseccessful for the most part. This article here (1st Link) discusses how tanning beds increase the chances of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and melanoma by as much as 75% in users no matter how many times they use tanning beds nor what age they start at. What really stuck out to me was the fact that "about 30 million Americans use tanning beds, which the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies as a human carcinogen." Also, the increased chance of developing these two types of skin cancer is all BEFORE AGE 40. The odds of cancer increase enough with age as it is, why would people want to speed things up? Fortunately, measures are being taken (2nd Link) to reduce the use of tanning beds, especially by people (mostly females) under age 40. A federal 10% tax was issued, and states such as California are putting age limits on tanning bed use. I have a friend who tans all the damn time, and her skin is already starting to become leathery... she's only 21! Yes, I understand if you want to tan to look good for a special occasion or something, but to want to be tan all year round is ridiculous, your skin deserves a break. But being a guy I don't pretend to understand such things.

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